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Business and Professional Communication: Putting People First
Business and Professional Communication, Fifth Edition gives readers the tools they need to move from interview candidate to team member to leader.
The book addresses both written and verbal skill sets through a combination of forward thinking methodology and foundational techniques.
This text's comprehensive topic coverage provides clear guidance for all communication practices in businesses and organizations.
Kory Floyd and Peter Cordon bring substantial and concrete business-world experience to bear in the product's principles, examples, and activities and ensure that the theories, concepts, and skills most relevant to the communication ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
... Allyn & Bacon quick guide to the Internet for speech communication. Allyn & Bacon. Drago, R. (2007). Striking a ... Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 15, 398–404. Duffy, M., & Sperry, L. (2012). Mobbing: Causes ...
The book addresses both written and verbal skill sets through a combination of forward thinking methodology and foundational techniques.
Business and Professional Communication: Managing Information in an Information Age
Centered around the notion that all business communication aims to influence the interpretation or understanding of issues and events, this exciting text provides practical tips and applications while discussing relevant theory.
Business and Professional Communication
Business and Professional Communication: (Preliminary Edition)
Business and Professional Communication: A Practical Guide to Workplace Effectiveness
Business and Professional Communication: Plans, Processes, and Performance, 4/e