This edition includes up-to-date coverage of the social communication model that's redefining business communication and reshaping the relationships between companies and their stakeholders.
Fighting back : Letter replying to questions about Baskin Robbins's marketing strategy Like the rest of the employees at Baskin Robbins's corporate headquarters in Glendale , California , you've been worried about growing competition .
No more driving : Memo about telecommuting to Bachman , Trinity , and Smith Sitting in your Dallas office at the accounting firm of Bachman , Trinity , and Smith , clacking away on your calculator , it seems as though you could be doing ...
The Ever-Changing Mold of Modern Business Communication.Business Communication Today continually demonstrates the inherent connection between recent technological developments and modern business practices.
Provides vivid insights into real-life business situations and employing a lively, conversational writing style.
For this seventh edition of a text for undergraduates, material has been reorganized to incorporate a three-step process for solving communication problems.
Covers the basic principles of Business Communication. This book intends to serve the students who use it by giving them the communication skills they need to succeed in business. It...
Also available with MyLab Business Communication MyLab(tm) Business Communication is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results.
Updated with a more interactive and conversational model called Business Communication 2.0, this edition introduces students to a vitally important way of thinking about communication, instructing them in the professional use of blogs, ...
For one-semester/term courses in Business Communication and Business Writing in departments of Business, English, and Communications. This best-selling text brings all the pieces of business communication together to give students...
Business Communication Today
Business Communication Today
Business Communication Today
Business Communication Today: Study Guide
Business Communication Today
Business Communication Today
Updated with a more interactive and conversational model called Business Communication 2.0, this edition instructs students in the professional use of blogs, instant messages, wikis, twittering and other social media tools.
This edition includes up-to-date coverage of the social communication model that’s redefining business communication and reshaping the relationships between companies and their stakeholders.
Note: This is the standalone book, if you want the book/access code order the ISBN below: 0133131114 / 9780133131116 Business Communicaton Today Plus MyBCommLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0132971291 / ...