... Cham (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23207-856 20. Xiong, X., et al.: Going deeper with deep knowledge tracing, International Educational Data Mining Society (2016) 21. Rice, W.: Moodle 1.9 E-Learning Course Development.
The second edition features updated information on data mining, text and web mining, and implementation and emerging technologies.
Includes bibliographical references and index
For managers interested in understanding the foundations and applications of BI, knowledge management, data mining, and other intelligent systems.
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications Management Association, Information Resources. make business more competitive, ... practically integrated into an ERP system to maximize the return on investment (ROI) in organizations.
Business Intelligence: The Savvy Managers Guide, Second Edition, discusses the objectives and practices for designing and deploying a business intelligence (BI) program.
In the modern business world, the pace of action continues to quicken. Businesses need to be able to get actionable insights from their data in order to make the right decisions to act rapidly and effectively.
Businesses need to be able to get actionable insights from their data in order to make the right decisions to act rapidly and effectively. In this book, you will be introduced to the concept of business intelligence.
Jhingran, A., Jou, S., Lee, W., Pham, T., Saha, B.: IBM Business Analytics and Cloud Computing: Best Practices for Deploying Cognos Business Intelligence to the IBM Cloud. MC Press, LLC (2010) 4. Andrzejewski, W., Wrembel, R.: GPU-WAH: ...
This new book provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic business and technical concepts they’ll need to know. It integrates case studies that demonstrate how to apply the material.
This book progresses through a logical sequence, starting with data model infrastructure, then data preparation, followed by data analysis, integration, knowledge discovery, and finally the actual use of discovered knowledge.
This book: Combines detailed coverage with a practical guide to the mathematical models and analysis methodologies of business intelligence.
... data set , we can reduce the amount of effort required to automate the prepa- ration of data for integration into a data warehouse , then there is a signifi- cant reduction in the cost of building ... Data Profiling Data Profiling Activities.
... use the latest one, which led to obtain the structural causal models (SCM). SCMs are models that use directed functional parent-child relationships, and are often known as functional causal models or non-parametric structural equation ...
The answer lies in this book. Business intelligence (BI) is the sum total of best practices, tools, methods, and processes used to transform an organization's data into actionable knowledge.
This book examines the managerial dimensions of business intelligence (BI) systems. It develops a set of guidelines for value creation by implementing business intelligence systems and technologies.
This book illustrates how organizations can make better, faster decisions about their customers, partners, and operations by turning mountains of data into valuable business information that's at the fingertips of decision makers.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. A managerial approach to understanding business intelligence systems.
This data is used for the identification, development and creation of new strategic business opportunities. This book elucidates the concepts and innovative models around prospective developments with respect to business intelligence.