Business Statistics in Practice
Business Statistics in Practice
-- Study guide / prepared by Sandra Strassar.
Business Statistics in Practice
Accompanying Student CD-ROM contains ... " quizzes, PowerPoint presentations, data sets, Visual Statistics 2.0, MegaStat 9.1, electronic tutorials, Excel templates and workbook, advanced topics appendices F-M [and] Web links."
Revised edition of Business statistics in practice, [2017]
Business Statistics in Practice
The Eighth Edition features more concise and lucid explanations, an improved topic flow and a sensible use of the best and most compelling examples.
This text explains business statistic concepts through the use of case studies and examples that reflect real applications of statistics.
Business Statistics in Practice
In addition, the authors have rewritten many of the discussions in this edition and have explained concepts more simply from first principles. The only prerequisite for this text is high school algebra.
Business Statistics in Practice: Using Data, Modeling, and Analytics
This edition of 'Business Statistics in Practice' provides a modern, practical and unique framework for teaching the first course in business statistics.
Business Statistics in Practice
Business Statistics in Practice
Accompanying CD-ROM contains ..." quizzes, PowerPoint presentations, data sets, Visual Statistics 2.0, MegaStat 9.1, electronic tutorials, Excel templates and workbook, advanced topics appendices F-M [and] Web links."--Page 3 of cover.
Business Statistics in Practice: Using Data, Modeling, and Analytics