Buying in

  • Buying in
    By Laura Hemphill

    Quinn Claridge was smaller in real life than Sophie had ex- pected, both shorter and tinier. A miniperson, really. When Will in- troduced them, Quinn tilted her chin forward and smiled through closed lips, like she smelled something ...

  • Buying in: What We Buy and who We are
    By Rob Walker

    Originally published in hardcover in 2008 with title: Buying in: the secret dialogue between what we buy and who we are.

  • Buying In: The Secret Dialogue Between What We Buy and Who We Are
    By Rob Walker

    Wilson was "horrified" and had "images of people following the reporter's conclusions about my research, leading to increases in teen pregnancy, drug relapses, and fistfights," he writes. “It would be odd for a psychologist to tell ...

  • Buying in: Big-time Women's College Basketball and the Future of College Sports
    By Aaron L. Miller

    If the athletic director used a term like “buying in” one day, I would hear it again the next day from a player or a coach: “we bought in” or “we secured buy- in.” Each time I heard or read it, it seemed to signify the seriousness, ...

  • Buying In: Big-Time Women's College Basketball and the Future of College Sports
    By Aaron L. Miller

    Buying In juxtaposes women's college sports with the historical transformations that set the stage for contemporary big-time college sports. Miller draws on positive psychology to create a framework he calls "positive anthropology.