[63] Previous studies, except for Saunders, have therefore failed to investigate the literary function of these pericopae for the narrative program of each gospel. In terms of the Gospel of Matthew, what remains unaddressed is a ...
Inspired by Pope Francis's bold rereading and determined implementation of the teaching of Vatican II, Richard Gaillardetz has completely revised and expanded his book By What Authority?
The very existence of tradition is a statement that, as then-theologian Joseph Ratzinger put it, while Scripture witnesses to revelation it does not exhaust it.13 Ormond Rush suggests that we might think of Scripture and tradition as ...
In this newly updated, expanded version of his popular work of apologetics, Shea presents a lively and entertaining look at his conversion to Catholicism from Evangelicalism and his discovery of Christian tradition.
The essays in this book address the central issue of such authority in the Christian life. --Book Jacket.
By what Authority?
Adult males did not simply stand up and speak.
Adult males did not simply stand up and speak.
This book introduces readers to a basic understanding of the nature and exercise of authority in the Catholic Church as understood within the Vision of the Church offered by the Second Vatican Council.
This book introduces readers to a basic understanding of the nature and exercise of authority in the Catholic Church as understood within the Vision of the Church offered by the Second Vatican Council.
Reproduction of the original: By What Authority? by Robert Hugh Benson
A classic historical novel in which Benson portrays the story of the English Reformation in Elizabethan times from the Catholic point of view.
Like his sister, Anthony's faith is markedly strong and central to his life. The novel's final showdown between Anthony and Queen Elizabeth herself is one of the most dramatic and intriguing portrayals Robert Hugh Benson ever put to paper.
By What Authority?