Caddie Woodlawn

  • Caddie Woodlawn
    By Carol Ryrie Brink, Trina Schart Hyman

    The adventures of an eleven-year-old tomboy growing up on the Wisconsin frontier in the mid-nineteenth century.

  • Caddie Woodlawn
    By Susan C. Hunter, Tom Shelton

    WOODLAWN – plain, but attractive dress, petticoat, apron, boots/ Add black shawl/Blouse, skirt, petticoat, apron, boots/attractive dress, petticoat, boots, hat/Blouse, skirt, petticoat, boots CLARA – pretty calico dress, petticoat, ...

  • Caddie Woodlawn
    By Carol Ryrie Brink

    They ran to the river bank and stood together , watching . They could not hear each other speak above the sound of grinding , crashing ice . By evening the ice had piled itself in places as high as the tavern at Dunnville .

  • Caddie Woodlawn
    By Carol Ryrie Brink

    Her spirit and sense of fun have made this book a classic that readers have taken to their hearts for more than seventy years.

  • Caddie Woodlawn
    By Carol Ryrie Brink

    Her spirit and sense of fun have made this book a classic that readers have taken to their hearts for more than seventy years.

  • Caddie Woodlawn
    By Carol Ryrie Brink

    Chronicles the adventures of eleven-year-old Caddie growing up with her six brothers and sisters on the Wisconsin frontier in the mid-nineteenth century.

  • Caddie Woodlawn
    By Carol Ryrie Brink

    Before Reading the Book SUMMARY Caddie Woodlawn lives with her parents and six brothers and sisters on the Wisconsin frontier in the 1860s . Caddie and her brothers , Tom and Warren , make life a constant adventure as they visit nearby ...

  • Caddie Woodlawn
    By Carol Ryrie Brink

    Chronicles the adventures of eleven-year-old Caddie growing up with her six brothers and sisters on the Wisconsin frontier in the mid-nineteenth century.

  • Caddie Woodlawn
    By Carol Ryrie Brink

    In 1864, this is a bit much for her Boston-bred mother to bear, but Caddie and her brothers are happy with the status quo.