California Construction Law

  • California Construction Law
    By Gordon Hunt, Gibbs, Kenneth C. Gibbs

    >I< 4< * >I< The party claiming a state law is preempted by federal legislation has the burden of demonstrating preemption. (Bronco Wine Co. v. Jolly (2004) 33 Cal. 4th 943, 956-957, 17 Cal. Rptr. 3d 180, 95 P.3d 422.)&nbsp;...

  • California Construction Law
    By Kenneth S. Grossbarat

    California Construction Law

  • California Construction Law
    By Gordon Hunt, Kenneth C. Gibbs

    The authors provide practical information that can be used by all construction industry professionals, as well as detailed analyses of California construction law-both as codified in the statutes & as...

  • California Construction Law
    By Gordon Hunt, Kenneth C. Gibbs, Barbara R. Gadbois

    Some of the important topics discussed in the Nineteenth Edition include the following: The one-year statute of limitation under California Code of Civil Procedure 430(a) applies to a disgorgement claim under Business and Professions Code ...

  • California Construction Law
    By Gordon Hunt, Kenneth C. Gibbs

    The authors provide practical information that can be used by all construction industry professionals, as well as detailed analyses of California construction law-both as codified in the statutes & as...

  • California Construction Law
    By Gordon Hunt, Kenneth C. Gibbs

    California Construction Law

  • California Construction Law
    By Gordon Hunt, Kenneth C. Gibbs, Barbara R. Gadbois

    "This supplement supersedes all previous supplements."

  • California Construction Law

    California Construction Law

  • California Construction Law: Cumulative Supplement
    By Gordon Hunt, Kenneth C Gibbs

    California Construction Law: Cumulative Supplement

  • California Construction Law: Cummulative Supplement
    By Gordon Hunt, Kenneth C. Gibbs

    California Construction Law: Cummulative Supplement

  • California Construction Law
    By Gordon Hunt, Kenneth C. Gibbs

    The topics in the book are organized in the same manner as they would actually arise in a construction project. First, it deals with pre-construction issues-licensing, bidding, & the formation of the construction contract.

  • California Construction Law: 2002 Cumulative Supplement
    By Gordon Hunt, Kenneth C. Gibbs

    California Construction Law: 2002 Cumulative Supplement

  • California Construction Law
    By Kenneth C. Gibbs

    California Construction Law

  • California Construction Law
    By Kenneth S. Grossbart

    California Construction Law