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... New York Catherine J. Morse, MSN, CRNP, CCRN The Chester County Hospital West Chester, Pennsylvania Caitlin Nassn, ... Pennsylvania Catherine Ryan, PhD, RN, APN, CCRN College of Nursing University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, ...
Cardiac Nursing
This is a comprehensive reference text which covers all areas of cardiac care that nurses need to know about. As well as the clinical conditions and syndromes, it covers health promotion and rehabilitation.
A classic in the field of cardiac nursing, this well-recognized text and clinical reference has earned the reputation as "The Red Reference Book" for nurses caring for patients who have...
Now thoroughly updated with current, evidence-based material, Cardiac Nursing is recognized as "The Red Reference Book" for nurses caring for patients who have, or are at risk for developing, cardiac...
Cardiac Nursing
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It is a comprehensive reference text which covers all areas of cardiac care that nurses need...
Recognized as the go-to study aid and on-the-unit resource for both new and experienced cardiac nurses, this text provides a road map of knowledge, skills, and competencies to enhance safety and positive patient outcomes.
Cardiac Nursing