These poems use the geography of California as metaphor for exploring fundamental pressures and issues of everyday life.
The Cascade Mountains - after which the region is named - run north from California to southern Canada and include two of the fastest-growing cities of North America: Seattle -...
From natural planting patterns and colour trends to a discourse on compost and the unexpected joys of gardening in the winter months, this lovely book is full of ideas, information, and perspectives that will put gardeners in a fresh, ...
This collection explores the unique spirituality and culture of Cascadia, which includes British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. Envied around the world, Cascadia is famous for its mountains, evergreens, and livable cities.
The book is Hillman's sixth collection and her most wide-ranging. The problem the book poses is nothing less than a phenomenology of transformation.
" Jerry Thompson, author of Cascadia's Fault H. W. "Buzz" Bernard, a native Oregonian born in Eugene and raised in Portland, is a best-selling, award-winning novelist.
This collection, edited by Elizabeth Bradfield, CMarie Fuhrman, and Derek Sheffield, will combine creative writing, visual art, and natural and cultural histories, all to help readers identify and identify with the beings who inhabit this ...
Cascadia: The Elusive Utopia : Exploring the Spirit of the Pacific Northwest