Llewellyn Sion's “Barddas" edited by J. A. Williams ap Ithel for, 332 WELSH Romanch. The character of, 395, 396 WESTON, Miss JEssie L. Reference to her studies on the Arthurian Saga, 341 WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. Reference to, in connexion ...
Let Mac Roth , the messenger , take these terms . ' Heavy snow had fallen and the land was white . Cuchulain had cast off the twenty - seven waxed shirts that were bound to his skin with cords , to keep him safe in the fit of his fury .
Retells traditional Celtic myths about heroes, giants, warrior kings and queens, and the Little People. Includes a who's who of key figures in Celtic mythology and an explanation of how these stories have survived.
Thomas William Rolleston. OF THB GLOSSARY AND INDEX on Ulster , 305 ; Cycle , events WB3 FOLK , TAB Fergus mac of , supposed to have happened Leda and , 246–249 ; Iubdan , about time of Christ , 252 King of , 246 UNDERWORLD .
This is an enchantingly told collection of the stirring sagas of gods and goddesses, fabulous beasts, strange creatures, and such heroes as Cuchulain, Fingal, and King Arthur from the ancient Celtic world.
Celtic Myths and Legends
Irlands ældste historie i myteform, samt en næsten komplet samling legender om Cuchulain og Finn Mac Cool, de største helte i irsk tradition
A collection of legends from early Christian times, in which the author retells the stories with a directness and simplicity which makes them refreshingly modern. The stories have a literary...
Masterful retelling of Irish and Welsh stories and tales, including Cuchulain, King Arthur, Deirdre, the Grail, and many more. First paperback edition. 58 full-page illustrations and 18 figures.
Celtic Myths and Legends
He presents many of the intriguing tales that later gave rise to pageantry, romance, and high drama. Here are the original exploits of King Arthur of Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table.
This book mixes dramatic retellings and non-fiction information to give a full picture of Celtic myths, exploring the gods, goddesses, heroes, villains, tricksters, and quests that make Celtic myths and legends so compelling.
Packed full of beautiful colour photographs of the landscapes, and including a map of legendary and mythic sites in the British Isles, this guide details myths of heroes, voyages and quests as well as the legacy of Celtic mytholody.
This exciting book includes the most important stories from ancient Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the Isle of Man. The book also describes the dramatic rise and fall of the Celts.
A collection of Celtic myths and legends from Irish, Scots, Welsh, Cornish, Manx, and Breton sources.
This exciting book includes the most important stories from ancient Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the Isle of Man. The book also describes the dramatic rise and fall of the Celts.