Chapman's Homer

  • Chapman's Homer: The Odyssey
    By Homer

    Then vow to all the weake necks of the dead Offerings a number , and , when thou shalt tread The Ithacensian shore , to sacrifice A Heifer never tam'd and most of prise , A pyle of all thy most - esteemed goods Enflaming to the deare ...

  • Chapman's Homer: The Odyssey
    By Homer, George Chapman

    George Chapman's translations of Homer are among the most famous in the English language. Keats immortalized the work of the Renaissance dramatist and poet in the sonnet "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer.

  • Chapman's Homer: The IIiad and the Odyssey
    By Homer

    Homer bidding farewell to his wife, Odysseus bound to the mast, Penelope at the loom, Achilles dragging Hector's body round the walls of Troy - scenes from Homer have been portrayed in every generation.

  • Chapman's Homer: The Iliad
    By Homer

    ... gust betterness bewray beyond - sea bid billow bin birth bitten black blackish blanch blaze blind of blood bloody blore bluish boggle boisterous boor boot borne boss boss - pikt bostrous bosts bow brackish braid brake branded brass ...

  • Chapman's Homer: The Iliad
    By Homer, George Chapman

    Chapman's Homer: The Iliad