In 1911 Haber discovered that ammonia could be synthesised directly from nitrogen and hydrogen by using an iron catalyst. The first plant to manufacture ammonia by this method used hydrogen obtained by the electrolysis of water.
This lab manual is suitable for use with any chemistry for applied health students text. The manual contains approximately 40 experiments providing lecturers with maximum flexibility.
This volume in the New Encyclopedia of Science examines the exciting world of chemistry and the many ways our world is shaped by chemical discoveries and processes. It begins with...
The second revised edition of an accessible A-level chemistry text, containing additional worked examples and exercises, and covering new topics such as AIDS research, High Temperature Superconductivity and the greenhouse effect.
This second edition aims to provide a modern, comprehensive and systematic treatment of the core chemistry required to advanced level standard.
The thesis provides the necessary experimental and analytical tools to unambiguously observe the atomically resolved chemical reactions.
Chemistry in Action
Chemistry in Action
Chemistry in Action: A Laboratory Manual for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry