Child Abuse & Neglect, 16, 101–118. doi:10.1016/0145-2134(92)90011-F Berk, L. E. (2012). Child development (9th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Berliner, L., & Conte, J. R. (1990). The process of victimization: The victims' ...
Child Sexual Abuse: Hope for Healing
Child Sexual Abuse: A Hope for Healing
... feelings, and sensations without judgment and/or any corrective effort (Black, 2011). This practice has been associated with decreased stress-related symptoms (Carlson, Speca, Faris, & Patel, 2007; Davis & Hayes, 2011; ...
A Christian Parent's Victorious Struggle With Child Abuse , K. Miller shares how she struggled to overcome child battering with her own small ... S Miller gives phone hotline numbers that parents can call when they are losing control ...
For this second edition, the authors have included new developments in theory and research and taken account of legal changes that have substantially altered the practice of all professionals working with sexually abused children.
Child Sexual Abuse
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The text also explores the conceptual frameworks that seek to explain how a child comes to be sexually abused by an adult or older adolescent.
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That focus has prompted an increasing interest in dedicated child safeguarding policy in sport.16 Health and social care settings In September 2014, Dr Myles Bradbury, a paediatric haematologist at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, ...
Sgroi, S.M. (ed.) (1988a) Vulnerable Populations, Volumes 1 and 2, Lexington Books, New York. Sgroi, S.M. (1988b) Healing together: peer group therapy for adult survivors of child sexual abuse, in Vulnerable populations, Volume 1 (ed.
Child Sexual Abuse: Offender Characteristics and Modus Operandi
... 33, 34, 35, 38, 139 Gelinas, D., 37, 43 Giaretto, A., 143 Giaretto, H., 143, 196 Gil, D., 132 Gilbaugh, J.H., 93 Goldenring, J., 93 Golding, J.M., 176 Goldstein, A.F., 174 Goldstein, D.P., 85 Gomes-Schwartz, B., 46, 58, 68 Goodman, ...
Yates, A. (1987) 'Should young children testify in cases of sexual abuse?', American Journal of Psychiatry, 144:476–80. Yates, A., Beutler, L.E., and Crago, M. (1985) 'Drawing by child victims of incest', Child Abuse and Neglect, ...
Cavanagh, J. (1983) Child welfare inAlberta, Edmonton: Government of Alberta. Chandler, S.M. (1982) 'Knowns and unknowns in the sexual abuse of children', Journal of Social Work and Human Sexuality, 1:51–68. Chenais, J.C. (1981) History ...
61. D. Corwin, "Early Diagnosis of Child Sexual Abuse: Diminishing the Lasting Effects," in G. Wyatt and G. Powell, eds., The Lasting Effects of Child Sexual Abuse (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990). 62. Faller, Understanding Child Sexual ...
This is a significant divergence from literature most commonly provided in the market.
First Published in 2007. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
But how can governments help these children? What can be done to prevent child sexual abuse from happening in the first place? These are the guiding themes of this publication.