Binggeli, N.J., Hart, S.N., & Brassard, M.R. (2000). Psychological Maltreatment: A Study Guide. ... Briere, J. & Runtz, M. (1990). Differential Adult Symptomology ... Caples, H.S. & Barrera, M. (2006). Conflict, Support, and Coping as ...
This groundbreaking book discusses both child welfare policy and child welfare practice and provides a fully integrated balance between the two.
Courtney, M., Dworsky, A., Cusick, G., Havlicek, J., Perez, A., & Keller, T. (2007). Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth: Outcomes at Age 21. Chicago, IL: Chapin Hall Center for Children.
An analysis and synthesis of the work informs each of these themes, while an eight-point research agenda developed in an earlier symposium is used to assess developments to date and provide guidance for the future.
Children and social policy; “Identity, rhetoric and reality.” Social Work Monographs (Serial ... Addressing the program and personnel crisis in child welfare (Technical Assistance Report, Commission on Family and Primary Associations).
The initiative is attributed to ' middle - class ' Irish Protestants , who being a minority in a predominantly Catholic country , could not economically support institutions for ' pauper children . Furthermore , paid fostering was ...
Organized around the theme of child well-being, this book provides an overview of child welfare's past and present with consideration of its future.
Child Welfare, twenty-one educators call attention to racial disparities in the child welfare system by demonstrating how practices that are successful for white children are often not similarly successful for...
Chicago : Family Resource Coalition . Muenchow , S. ( 1987 ) . Innovative funding and private / public partnerships . In S. Kagan , D. Powell , B. Weissbourd , & E. Zigler ( Eds . ) , America's family support programs : Perspectives and ...
Distinguished by its muticultural approach, this book provides an up-to-date survey of child welfare, including an overview of the generalist perspective, a history of child welfare, and a...
This collection focuses on child welfare in its specific sense: welfare and social interventions with children and young people undertaken by State bodies or NGO's.
Child Welfare 1872-1989 is the first comprehensive book on the history of social policy and child welfare from the 1870s to the present.
This report begins with a short history of the legislation and other factors that led to the creation of the current CFSR and then briefly describes how a CFSR is conducted and what "substantial conformity" with federal child welfare policy ...
Child welfare workers often need cooperation from other agencies that have their own goals and regulations.
In this book, the authors present topical research in the study of the current issues, practices and challenges related to child welfare today.
In this book, the authors present topical research in the study of the current issues, practices and challenges related to child welfare today.
Child Welfare: Improving Social Serviced Program, Training, & Technical Assistance Information Would Help Address Long-Standing Service-Level & Workforce Challenges
Those requirements are intended to (1) enable children to be reunited with their families or prevent their entry to foster care; (2) promote children's placement with relatives and maintain sibling connections; (3) ensure children's living ...
The material in this text is designed to meet the needs of social work students entering the child welfare workforce, as well as any other area of direct or indirect practice with children and families.
Organized around the theme of child well-being, this book provides an overview of child welfare's past and present with consideration of its future.