In J. Doris ( Ed . ) , The suggestibility of children's recollections : Implications for eyewitness testimony ( p . ... 322 : Critical period effects in second language learning : The influence of maturational state on the acquisition ...
Rovee-Collier and her colleagues have used this procedure successfully with infants as young as 2 months of age. For example, Margaret Sullivan, Carolyn Rovee-Collier, and Derek Tynes (1979) varied the delayed memory test between 48 and ...
The Sixth Edition of David F. Bjorklund and Kayla B. Causey’s topically organized Children’s Thinking presents a current, comprehensive, and dynamic examination of cognitive development.
This book offers a unified account of major research findings and theories on the development of children's thinking from infancy to adolescence as well as the practical implications. The book...
First published in 1978. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
This book brings together major research findings and theories on the development of children's thinking from infancy to adolescence, and also considers the subsequent practical implications. It examines the processes...
The Sixth Edition of David F. Bjorklund and Kayla B. Causey’s topically organized Children’s Thinking presents a current, comprehensive, and dynamic examination of cognitive development.
This book offers a unified account of the major research findings and theories on the development of children's thinking from infancy to adolescence; and also considers their...
And as the title, CHILDREN'S THINKING: DEVELOPMENTAL FUNCTION AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES, would suggest, Bjorklund offers a unique theme, showing readers how the development function can help explain individual differences in cognition.
size first led the children to stop applying the cardinal principle. When children used two of the principles rather than all three, the two they used were the one—one and stable-order principles. It was not that the latter two ...
Consistent with the direction the field of developmental psychology is heading towards (an expanded vision that gives greater attention to individual differences and cultural variation), Bjorklunds extensively revised new edition...
Children's Thinking
Children's Thinking: What Develops?
This text integrates two related areas of developmental psychology: the study of cognitive development and the study of the individual differences in childrens' thinking.
Children's Thinking: Promoting Understanding in the Primary School