Christian Astrology

  • Christian Astrology: Book One
    By William Lilly

    Then he is Riotous, Expenfive, wholly given to Loofneffe and Lewd companies of Women, nothing regarding his Reputation, coveting unlawful Beds, Inceftuous, an Adulterer, Fantaftical, a meer Skip-jack, of no Faith, no Repute, no Credit... ...

  • Christian Astrology
    By William Lilly

    Readers interested in the history of the paranormal, as well as contemporary fans of astrology, will find this a fascinating book.

  • Christian Astrology: Book Two
    By William Lilly

    " William Lilly was the most prominent English astrologer of the 17th century-he supposedly predicted the Great Fire of London of 1666 fourteen years earlier-and in 1647, he published this guide to horary astrology, in which astrological ...

  • Christian Astrology: Book Three
    By William Lilly

    " William Lilly was the most prominent English astrologer of the 17th century-he supposedly predicted the Great Fire of London of 1666 fourteen years earlier-and in 1647, he published this guide to horary astrology, in which astrological ...

  • Christian Astrology
    By William Lilly

    This is Book Three, An Easie and plaine Method Teaching How to judge upon Nativities, the conclusion of his great work, Christian Astrology.

  • Christian Astrology: Introduction to Astrology - The Basics
    By William Lilly

    Christian Astrology: Introduction to Astrology - The Basics

  • Christian Astrology: Book Two
    By William Lilly

    " William Lilly was the most prominent English astrologer of the 17th century-he supposedly predicted the Great Fire of London of 1666 fourteen years earlier-and in 1647, he published this guide to horary astrology, in which astrological ...

  • Christian Astrology: Book Three
    By William Lilly

    " William Lilly was the most prominent English astrologer of the 17th century-he supposedly predicted the Great Fire of London of 1666 fourteen years earlier-and in 1647, he published this guide to horary astrology, in which astrological ...