E.H.Allen, Writings Ascribed to Richard Rolle Hermit of Hampole, and Materials for his Biography, The Modern Language Association of America, Monograph Series 3 (New York: D. Heath and Co., 1927), dates Rolle's birth at 1300 and N.
Aquinas, Thomas, Summa Theologica, online at www.newadvent.org/summa/. Armstrong, A.H., The Architecture of the Intelligible ... Barrett, C, 'The Logic of Mysticism', in M. Warner (ed.), Religion and Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge ...
This book introduces students to Christian mysticism and modern critical responses to it.
Christian mysticism is unique in its view of Jesus' death and resurrection as the very cause and exemplar of the mystical life in all its purity.
Christian mysticism is unique in its view of Jesus' death and resurrection as the very cause and exemplar of the mystical life in all its purity.
This book introduces students to Christian mysticism and modern critical responses to it.
The mystical richness of Christian history is interwoven with the lives of saints, mystics, martyrs, and visionaries in the exquisitely designed Christian Mysticism -- the second book in Hyperion's Mystical Library, a series that explores ...
This book introduces students to Christian mysticism and modern critical responses to it.