With Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914), American philosophy came of age. Peirceistheoriginator of one of the most influential schools of American philosophy: pragmatism. There are three central claims to Peirce's pragmatism:[411] 1.
In general, there are two categories of theories: anti-theistic theories, which basically state that our universe is here by a random accident and not because an intelligent being created it; and theistic theories, which hold that God ...
In this volume, established scholars representing a variety of cultural traditions, religious perspectives, and philosophical priorities all wrestle with how the idea of Christian philosophy should be understood, appropriated, and engaged ...
This third book in a series of successful introductory textbooks by Craig Bartholomew and Michael Goheen builds on their previous projects, The Drama of Scripture and Living at the Crossroads, to offer a comprehensive narrative of ...
Papers presented at the Conference on Christian and Theistic Philosophy held Feb. 25-27, 1988, at the University of Notre Dame. Faith seeks, understanding finds--Augustine's charter for Christian philosophy / Norman...
Translation of: Introduction áa la philosophie chrâetienne.