
  • Christianity: A Way to Salvation
    By Sandra Sizer Frankiel

    ... represented can be summarized best not in terms of doctrine, even though that was often his field of battle, but in terms of values. Above all he held to a strong faith in a sovereign God whose gracious providence ruled all and a ...

  • Christianity: A Global History
    By David Chidester

    In this book David Chidester intelligently and objectively portrays Christians in different times and places, as a minority and as the majority group, a religion both absorbing and resisting the world around it.

  • Christianity: a Novel
    By Karen Elizabeth Lawson

    His great love is shed abroad in our hearts eternally (Romans 5:5). The world can seem theatrical and present adversities at times. This is when we need God the most in our lives.

  • Christianity: How a Despised Sect from a Minority Religion Came to Dominate the Roman Empire
    By Jonathan Hill

    Jonathan Hill charts the fascinating history of the first 400 years after the death of Christ in the development of Christianity.

  • Christianity: The Pursuit of Divine Truth
    By Donald W. Ekstrand

    The Pursuit of Divine Truth Donald W. Ekstrand ... 266–67 Barna, George, 218 Barnett, Lincoln, 49 Barrett, David B., 283 Baugh, Carl, 70 Beadle, George W., 107 belief evaluation of systems of, 33–35 orthodox belief in Christianity and, ...

  • Christianity
    By Anne Geldart

    ( Meister Eckhart c . 1260-1328 - monk and mystic ) • I may have in myself the secret and meaning of the earth , the golden sun , the light , the foam - flecked sea . ( Richard Jefferies 1848-87 - Wiltshire writer ) • The universe loves ...

  • Christianity: The First Two Thousand Years
    By Peter Partner

    A unique box set containing an in-depth and evocative study telling the story of Christianity from its birth in the first century through to the present day.

  • Christianity
    By Anita Ganeri

    What do Christians believe? What festivals do they celebrate? This book introduces young readers to Christianity.

  • Christianity
    By Don Nardo

    Thanks to Paul, the People of the Way began recruiting gentiles (non-Jews). Some of them converted. Sometime in the 50s c.e., the group's gentile members started calling themselves Christians. In the years that followed, ...

  • Christianity: Its Evidences, Its Origin, Its Morality, Its History
    By Annie Besant

    Annie Besant (n e Wood; 1 October 1847 - 20 September 1933) was a British socialist, theosophist, women's rights activist, writer, orator, educationist, and philanthropist.

  • Christianity: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Guide for Students
    By Jr., W. Glenn Jonas, Kathryn Muller Lopez

    (Matthew 22:37-40) For Jesus it is impossible to love God without also loving one's neighbor. Ritual acts of piety directed toward God are not acceptable unless matched by kindness towards others. So important is love of neighbor that ...

  • Christianity: The Basics
    By Bruce Chilton

    Cottret, Bernard (2000) Calvin: A Biography (translator M. Wallace McDonald) (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans). Haile, H. G. (1980) Luther. ... Reeves, Marjorie (1969) The Influenceof Prophecyin the LaterMiddle Ages.

  • Christianity: An Introduction
    By Alister E. McGrath

    It must be emphasized that, although Calvin gave this style of reformation its definitive form, its origins are to be traced back to earlier reformers, such as Huldrych Zwingli and Heinrich Bullinger, who were based at the leading Swiss ...

  • Christianity: The Witness of History : a Lawyer's Approach
    By Sir James Norman Dalrymple Anderson

    Christianity: The Witness of History : a Lawyer's Approach

  • Christianity
    By John Logan

    Ĉ Due Date D CHATHAM ZAPue Dar Date Dut e Date Due Data de Due Date Due Dan ate Due Date Due Date Due Que Date Due Date Due Date Due ate Due Date Due se Date Due D te Due Date de Date Due Date e Due Date Due Date 99 ate D e Date Due ...

  • Christianity: The True Humanism
    By Thomas Howard

    Christianity: The True Humanism

  • Christianity: A Very Short Introduction
    By Linda Woodhead

    This is a short, accessible analysis of Christianity that focuses on its social and cultural diversity as well as its historical dimensions.

  • Christianity: An Introduction
    By Philip Kennedy

    Michelle P. Brown, The Lion Companion to Christian Art (Oxford: Lion, 2008), 195. Consult the Renaissance work of Leon Battista Alberti, On Painting, trans. John R. Spencer (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1956).

  • Christianity: Hoax Or History
    By Josh McDowell

    What happened to Jesus' body after He died? Did the disciples engineer a scam? After 2,000 years, why does it matter? Here's the information you need to make your own decision concerning the validity of Christianity.

  • Christianity
    By Brian Wilson

    This is a concise survey of the history of Christianity, from its beginnings in late antiquity, through the Reformation in the West, to its present day global status.