Even then, editor Phebe A. Curtiss worried children, especially, might get lost in the day's creeping commercialism. She aimed the book at schools and Sunday schools, and assembled twenty bits of Christmas lore to teach a proper observance.
Even then, editor Phebe A. Curtiss worried children, especially, might get lost in the day's creeping commercialism. She aimed the book at schools and Sunday schools, and assembled twenty bits of Christmas lore to teach a proper observance.
A collection of twenty beloved classic stories of Christmas by various authors.
No greater teaching force has ever been discovered than the story and no one has ever lived who used that force so skillfully as did our Great Teacher.
"Christmas Stories and Legends" is a collection of tales to restore "the real spirit of Christmas" to the jaded world of ... 1913. Even then, editor Phebe A. Curtiss worried...
WORKER. IN. SANDALWOOD*. By. Marjorie. L. C. Pickthall. The good curé of Terminaison says that this tale of Hyacinthe's is all a dream. But then Madame points triumphantly to the little cabinet of sandalwood in the corner of her room.
Christmas Stories And Legends By Phebe A. Curtiss
Christmas Stories And Legends
CHRISTMAS STORIES AND LEGENDS - The Original Classic Christmas Stories (Christmas Fiction) COMPILED BY PHEBE A. CURTISS Author of "White Gifts for the King"
Christmas classics short stories are a collection of renowned Christmas tales which are admired throughout the world. Start reading to unlock the Christmas magic.
NEW PRINT WITH PROFESSIONAL TYPE-SET IN CONTRAST TO SCANNED PRINTS OFFERED BY OTHERS Christmas Stories And Legends: Compiled By Phebe A. Curtiss This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation ...
Even then, editor Phebe A. Curtiss worried children, especially, might get lost in the day's creeping commercialism. She aimed the book at schools and Sunday schools, and assembled twenty bits of Christmas lore to teach a proper observance.
Even then, editor Phebe A. Curtiss worried children, especially, might get lost in the day's creeping commercialism.
This wonderful collection of stories by numerous known authors includes:The Legend of the White Gifts,Her Birthday Dream,The Fir Tree,The Little Match Girl,Little Piccola,The Shepherd's Story,The Story of Christmas,The Legend of the ...