The Essential Guide to the Cameraman's Craft Since its initial publication in 1973, Cinematography has become the guidebook for filmmakers.
(Courtesy of Sachtler) 1.47 Mini-Worrall gear head. A hinging plate allows for further tilting forward or backward. (Courtesy of Cinema Products) Friction heads, as their name implies, use surface resistance to smooth their movements.
The first in the FilmCraft Series, this beautiful book covers the complex craft of cinematography through discussions with notable cinematographers, like Vittorio Storaro and Christopher Doyle.
a explaining to her children that they were about to be sent to “ Yes , ” I said , “ and your eye goes straight to it . ... The good cinematographer also develops an understanding of Thorough knowledge of the equipment and technique of ...
Fascinating for both film fans and practitioners, this book is the perfect companion for anyone who wants to stand on the other side of the camera, with some of the greatest film artists of our time."--
... Film Style and Technology, 216. William Stull, “Twentieth Century-Fox Holds Preview for Big Camera,” AC, September 1940, 396–398. Eyman, interview with James Wong Howe, Five American Cinematographers, 76. Leon Shamroy, “The Future of ...