... fears of , 122 ; future of public education , 245-46 ; parent councils , 229-35 ; view of schools , 9 ; voucher schools , 191-92 Pepsi - Cola Canada , 80 , 162-63 Perspectives on Education in America , 54 Philip Morris , 62 Philips ...
Chapter 4 65 Frames of Mind: Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (New York: Basic Books, ... 66 seven “kinds of smart”: The phrase “Seven Kinds of Smart” is taken from Thomas Armstrong, 7 Kinds of Smart: ...
See Ethan and Sanderson family Sarah and Sanchez family, 130, 153–54, 162, 175, 183 Sarah Lawrence College, 118, 119–20 SAT: costs of prep courses and, 135; fee waivers for, 253n11; parental pressure and, 90; performance on, ...
This work looks at why many of America's schools are failing and relates how parents, activists, and education reformers are joining together to fix a system that works for adults but consistently fails the children it is meant to educate.
In this third book in a series of interview collections, Noam Chomsky begins with comments about the right-wing agenda that have turned out to be prescient. Corporations with their political...
Class Warfare: Selected Fiction
This book is about the unintended consequences that can occur when the "good news” process becomes heavily embedded in school life -- a process that creates two different worlds in a school community that often prides itself on fostering ...
D.M. Fraser was Arsenal Pulp Press' editor until his death in 1985 at age thirty-eight. We would have slept forever, if it had been possible; but it was not possible. The noise of gunfire woke us.
Class Warfare: Politicians Out of Control
This collection of interviews offers Chomsky's views on himself and on such political issues as deficit spending, how free markets destroy competition, and why "family values" crusades destroy family life
Class, as this book shows, must be won, and the collateral damage of this aggressive pursuit may just be education itself, flattened into a mere victory banner.
As he relates in Class Warfare, he became a familiar presence to local school boards and to the state education bureaucracy as well, and was finally asked to testify before the Missouri legislature on what he had discovered."--BOOK JACKET.