Classic Ghost Stories - The Silent Woman by Leopold Kompert The uproarious merriment of a wedding-feast burst forth into the night from a brilliantly lighted house in the "gasse" (narrow street).
Classic Ghost Stories - The Rival Ghosts by Brander Matthews The good ship sped on her way across the calm Atlantic.
Despite the enormous volume of his work, Butler was, for most of his life, only a part-time author. He worked full-time as a banker and was very active in his local community.
You may think you don't believe in ghosts, but these stories will haunt you nonetheless.
This collection offers ghost stories that have long been considered classical: stories that have served as prototypes for other work, and stories that are in themselves uniquely great.
Why? Because they're so much fun! Classic Ghost Stories is a chilling collection of some of the very best tales of mystery and imagination ever created, from some of the finest writers who ever put pen to paper.
Do you believe in ghosts? These stories will haunt you nonetheless.
'Classic Ghost Stories' is filled with creepy stories to chill, thrill and send shivers down the spine
There's nothing like a a good ghost story to give you a frisson of hear on dark winter's night. Gathered in this haunting collection are 27 of the very best of their genre by British and American masters.
The story was a good one--satisfied me, at any rate, that it was worth investigating; and I won't weary you with details as to the woman's murder and all the tiresome elaboration as to why the place was alive. Enough that it was.
The book's distinguished lineup of writers includes Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Arthur Machen, M. R. James, William Hope Hodgson, Vernon Lee, Ambrose Bierce, Edith Wharton, H. G. Wells, and others.
Tales from the classic era of ghost stories, one of the most popular and enduring fiction categories.
A collection of supernatural stories that are absolutely unearthly.
Among these is The Spectre of Tappington, taken from The Ingoldsby Legends which appeared in serial form in the 1830s and were immensely popular with Victorian readers.
This boxed set of audiocassettes contain both volumes of classic ghost stories from around the world.
The stories are classic, timeless and hair-raising, and set in dark streets and haunted houses. The weird tales of ghosts, skeletons and dark powers will surely make the readers sit up and look around.