"Classroom Assessment FOR Student Learning: Doing It Right-Using It Well " is the core of a larger comprehensive professional development program that comes in either a Professional Development Package for staff development specialists or ...
Doing it Right, Using it Well Richard J. Stiggins, Judith A. Arter, Jan Chappuis, Stephen Chappuis. REFLECT ON YOUR LEARNING Activity 1.7 Classroom Assessment Confidence Questionnaire To provide a baseline of your current understanding ...
What's New to This Edition?
This user-friendly guide is full of practical tips, activities, and real-world examples of what assessment for learning looks like in today's classrooms.
This user-friendly guide is full of practical tips, activities, and real-world examples of what assessment for learning looks like in today's classrooms.
This combination book and workbook features: A user-friendly format with hands-on practice Practical examples and expanded information about assessment for learning in everyday instruction Accompanying CD-ROM and DVD that contain additional ...
This combination book and workbook features: A user-friendly format with hands-on practice Practical examples and expanded information about assessment for learning in everyday instruction Accompanying CD-ROM and DVD that contain additional ...