The Fascinating History Of The Bathroom And The Water Closet And Of Sundry Habits, Fashions And Accessories Of The Toilet, Principally In Great Britain, France And America.
Who would have supposed that the Romans had lagged hot-water pipes? That Queen Elizabeth I had a valve water-closet? That Louis IV had cushions in his bath? This informative and...
Clean and Decent: The Fascinating History of the Bathroom and the Water Closet, and of Sundry Habits, Fashions and Accessories...
Clean and Decent: The Fascinating History of the Bathroom and the Water-closet and of Sundry Habits, Fashions and Accessories of...
The Fascinating History Of The Bathroom And The Water Closet And Of Sundry Habits, Fashions And Accessories Of The Toilet, Principally In Great Britain, France And America.