Biodiversity and Conservation 2 : 667–680 . ... Erasmus , B. F. , M. Kshatriya , M. W. Mansell , S. L. Chown , and A. S. van Jaarsveld . 2000. ... Erasmus , B. F. , A. S. van Jaarsveld , S. L. Chown , M. Kshatriya , and K. J. Wessels .
Proceedings of IGU Rohtak Conference, Vol. 1 Mehtab Singh, R.B. Singh, M.I. Hassan. e.g. in the construction and use of models. Following Harvey, geographers build explanations on the way a theme is constituted; “A theme acts as a ...
"This book will be a milestone in the emerging discipline of climate change biology. No issue is more important for the global environment; the impressive line-up of experts here gives it definitive coverage.
Second, we can examine six specific types of human actions that threaten species and ecosystems - the "sinister sextet" Over-Hunting Over-hunting has been a significant cause of the extinction of hundreds of species and the endangerment ...
Climate Change and Biodiversity: Synergistic Impacts