Clinical Imaging: An Atlas of Differential Diagnosis
Dr. Eisenberg's best seller is now in its Fifth Edition—with brand-new material on PET and PET/CT imaging and expanded coverage of MRI and CT. Featuring over 3,700 illustrations, this atlas guides readers through the interpretation of ...
Covering soft tissue imaging and skeletal imaging, including brain and spinal cord, chest, and abdomen, Clinical Imaging seamlessly integrates plain film with MRI and CT. And with more than 3,500 illustrations all contained in one volume, ...
From the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, this text for students and clinicians emphasizes plain film radiology of the skeletal system, chest, abdomen, brain, and spinal cord and integrating it with magnetic resonance ...
This new Fourth Edition has sharp, new CT and MRI images and expanded coverage of ultrasound. Featuring 3,700 illustrations, this atlas guides readers through the interpretation of radiographic appearances.
Dr. Eisenberg's best seller is now in its Fourth Edition--with sharp, new CT and MRI images and expanded coverage of ultrasound. Featuring 3,700 illustrations, this atlas guides readers through the...
This unique chiropractic text takes a pattern approach to differential diagnosis that is rooted in the use of plain film, MRI, and CT in the imaging of the skeletal system, chest, abdomen, brain, and spinal cord.
This is a Pageburst digital textbook; This unique chiropractic text takes a pattern approach to differential diagnosis that is rooted in the use of plain film, MRI, and CT in the imaging of the skeletal system, chest, abdomen, brain, and ...