Clinical Pain Management Second Edition

  • Clinical Pain Management Second Edition: Practice and Procedures
    By Harald Breivik, Michael Nicholas, William Campbell

    Toussaint S, Maidl J, Schwagmeier R, Striebel HW. ... Schwagmeier R, Oelmann T, Dannappel T, Striebel HW. ... Jackson K, Ashby M, Keech J. Pilot dose finding study of intranasal sufentanil for breakthrough and incident cancer-associated ...

  • Clinical Pain Management Second Edition: Cancer Pain
    By Nigel Sykes, Michael Bennet, Chun-su Yuan

    ... Stier G, Becker PB et al. The bifunctional protein DCoH modulates interactions of the homeodomain transcription factor HNF1 with nucleic acids. Journal of Molecular Biology. 1997; 265: 20–9. Keith DE, Anton B, Murray SR et al.

  • Clinical Pain Management Second Edition: Acute Pain
    By Pamela Macintyre, David Rowbotham, Suellen Walker

    Pearson JF, Davies P. The effect of continuous lumbar epidural analgesia on the acid-base status of maternal arterial blood during the first stage of labour. Journal of Obstetrics and ... Shnider SM, Wright RG, Levinson G et al.

  • Clinical Pain Management Second Edition: Chronic Pain
    By Peter Wilson, Paul Watson, Jennifer Haythornwaite

    This differs from uterosacral transection (laparoscopic uterine nerve ablation (LUNA)) in which the nerves are cut at the level of the uterus. LUNA involves the destruction of the uterine nerve fibers as they exit the uterus through the ...

  • Clinical Pain Management Second Edition: 4 Volume Set
    By Toby Newton-John, Andrew Rice, Christine Miaskowski

    New for this second edition, there is a companion website containing chapters and illustrations from the four volume set.