Whitney, G. A., 352, 430 Whitson, J. A., 372 Whitt, J., 305 Whitty, M. T., 47 Widman, F., 34 Wiederman, M. W., 403, 406 Wiedmaier, B., 272 Wiedmaier, B. J., 270, 274 Wiemann, J. M., 383 Wieselquist, J., 353 Wiggins, R. D., 369, ...
Greitemeyer, T., 219 Grice, H. P., 327 Griffin, C., 30, 385 Griffin, D. W., 261, 332 Griffin, J. J., 38 Griffiths, M. D., 31–32, 220 Grodijn, E. H., 299 Grohskopf, E., 44 Gross, J., 246–247, 274, 277–280 Grote, N. K., 196 Grotevant, ...
... 9 Lear, D., 37 Leary, M. R., 36, 39, 306 Leatham, G., 143 Leathers, D. G., 318 LeBeau, J. A., 257, 271, 272, 273, ... 194 Lewis, M., 275 Lewis-Smith, J., 26 Li, N. P., 180 Libby, P., 252 Lillard, L. L., 119 Linder, D., 64 Lindley, ...
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... 433 Wilmott, 297 Wilson, A. E., 432 Wilson, C. E., 290, 291, 296 Wilson, C. L., 238 Wilson, J., 419 Wilson, P., 249 Wilson, S. E., 412 Wineberg, H., 397 Wing, E., 2 Winke, T., 291 Winstead, B. A., 158 Winterheld, H. A., 238 Winters, ...
"Taking a relational approach to the study of interpersonal communication, this best-selling text helps students better understand their relationships with romantic partners, friends, and family members.
Hailed by E. Lynn Harris as a “bold and imaginative” tale that is “sure to keep readers turning the pages,” Sandra Kitt’s interracial love story presents a man and a...
Using a relational approach to the study of interpersonal communication, this text provides comprehensive coverage of popular theories and concepts in interpersonal communication.
The senior correspondent of CBS's popular "60 Minutes," known for his no-holds-barred interviews, offers background information on his most famous interviews and explains how and why he adopted his controversial style
The book covers issues relevant to developing, maintaining, repairing, and ending relationships. Both the "bright" and "dark" sides of interpersonal communication within relationships are explored.
Close Encounters: Onyx Station introduces brand new rules for 12 of these creatures, from the soul-draining shadowsludge to the monstrous columns of flesh!
Close Encounters: Hyperspace Fiends
There's a drunk werewolf passed out on his porch, a monster mistaken for a mammoth stalking the nearby woods, zombies at an abandoned sanitarium, and his niece has been kidnapped by a haunted hotel that makes the Overlook resemble the ...
He's taking it seriously enough to cordon off the perimeter of the sightings.” Captain Greene let out a hearty laugh. “Ethan's right. I'm pretty skeptical they're the real thing.” Then he asked, “Were you around earlier this evening?
best? You trust your partner to do the right thing and be honest in behaviors and feelings. Honesty means not hiding the truth. It is important to remember that lying will drain the life out of a rela— tionship and destroy trust.
ogy (as do the playful aliens), Close Encounters disavows alliance with traditional patriarchal institutions and traditional paternal behavior. The government and the military are viewed as deceitful and stupid, lacking in imagination ...
The senior correspondent of CBS's popular "60 Minutes," known for his no-holds-barred interviews, offers background information on his most famous interviews and explains how and why he adopted his controversial...
Discusses a number of UFO sightings, describes various kinds of UFO's, and explains how sightings are investigated. Includes a glossary, a bibliography, and a list of UFO organizations.
This book takes its examples from psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and couple and family treatment. Experienced therapists Winer's humanizing text helpful in putting their own work and their own ambitions in perspective.