Chapters in this book, based on the efforts of the Urban Education National Network Task Force, define the nature of obstacles to the academic performance of urban students and identify, validate, and disseminate a knowledge base of theory ...
Struggling older English learners pose a real challenge for educators. Some of these students are new arrivals with limited or interrupted schooling. Others have been in and out of ESL...
This is followed by a study that illustrates the difference in academic performance between low-income children and their peers, minority children and their classmates, and those schools that serve a majority of children from low-income ...
Offers strategies for educators who want to increase performance standards of African American students in high poverty environments, including increasing parental involvement, setting high expectations, and teaching listening skills.
Looks at ways to improve teaching and learning in urban schools.
This is followed by a study that illustrates the difference in academic performance between low-income children and their peers, minority children and their classmates, and those schools that serve a majority of children from low-income ...
Closing the Achievement Gap: No Excuses