Clothing: Fashion, Fabrics, Construction is a comprehensive bestseller including content on clothing needs, fashion, fabrics, consumer issues, careers, and sewing and serging techniques.
Undressing Religion: Commitment and Conversion from a Cross-Cultural Perspective, Oxford and New York, Berg, 2000; ead., ... 58 On this see John R. Bowen, Why the French don't Like Headscarves: Islam, the State, and Public Space, ...
11 K. P. C. de Leeuw, Kleding in Nederland 1813–1920: van een traditioneel bepaald kleedpatroon naar een begin van modern kleedgedrag, Hilver- sum, Verloren, 1991, 116–17. 12 Zakin, Ready-Made Democracy, 156–84; Sally Alexander, ...
6 Even Margaret Maynard, Dress and Globalisation, Manchester, Manchester UP, 2004, tends in fact to stress difference, rather than the basic convergence which lies at the heart of globalization. Z Lou Taylor, The Study of Dress History, ...
Watkins writes for the student and teacher of clothing design, the design professional, and the interested layperson. Her text presents the basic processes, theories, and ingredients of clothing creation.
Watkins writes for the student and teacher of clothing design, the design professional, and the interested layperson. Her text presents the basic processes, theories, and ingredients of clothing creation.