Coastal Wetlands

  • Coastal Wetlands
    By Harold H. Prince

    Numbers of Ardeida observed on strip census routes in wetland study areas in 1981 , 1982 Least Bittern Great - blue heron ( Ardea herodias ) was the. Table 13 . and 1983.8 Species --- Pool 2Year 15 July - 1 Aug. - 15 Aug. - 30 Aug.

  • Coastal Wetlands
    By Harold H. Prince

    DISCUSSION Donald L. Beaver Department of Zoology and The Museum Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 McNicholl has outlined and reviewed the main features of the effects of water fluctuations in the Great Lakes on ...

  • Coastal Wetlands: An Integrated Ecosystem Approach
    By Eric Wolanski, Gerardo M.E. Perillo, Donald R. Cahoon

    In this book a CD is included containing color figures of wetlands and estuaries in different parts of the world. * Includes a CD containing color figures of wetlands and estuaries in different parts of the world.

  • Coastal Wetlands: Alteration and Remediation
    By Charles W. Finkl, Christopher Makowski

    This book delves into human-induced and natural impacts on coastal wetlands, intended or otherwise, through a series of vignettes that elucidate the environmental insults and efforts at amelioration and remediation.

  • Coastal Wetlands: An Integrated Ecosystem Approach
    By Eric Wolanski, Gerardo Perillo, Donald R Cahoon

    As coastal wetlands are under a great deal of pressure from the dual forces of rising sea levels and the intervention of human populations, both along the estuary and in the river catchment, this book covers important issues, such as the ...

  • Coastal Wetlands
    By H. Suzanne Bolton

    This proceedings, Coastal Wetlands, contains papers presented at Coastal Zone '91, the Seventh Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management held in Long Beach, California, July 8-12, 1991. This volume is...

  • Coastal Wetlands
    By Canada. Environment Canada, National Sea Grant College Program

    Coastal Wetlands