Brian Lavery, 'George Keitlt Elphinstone. Lord Keith' in Precursors of Nelson: Brink}: Aduumlt of the Ezghfeerstfx Cntlurjz eds P. le Fevre and R. Harding (London, £000); Oxford DNB; The Keith Papers (3 vols, Navy Records Society, 1927.
Campbell wrote privately to Collingwood, warninghim against Cochrane,andadded: “from his want ofdiscretion he is unfit to be entrusted with a singleship, much less withthecommand of a squadron.” 6 Collingwood hadnoidea what wasgoing on ...
Drawing on previously unpublished papers, his own travels, wide reading, and original research, Cordingly tells the rip-roaring story of the archetypal Romantic hero who conquered the seas and, in the process, defined his era.
The adventures of the daring Thomas Cochrane, called 'the sea wolf' by Napoleon, are so extraordinary that his life reads like a page-turning work of fiction.
Cochrane: Britannia's Last Sea-king