
  • Codex: Space Wolves
    By Gavin Thorpe, Andy Chambers, Jervis Johnson

    Codex: Space Wolves

  • Codex
    By Lev Grossman

    About to depart on his first vacation in years, Edward Wozny, a hot-shot young investment banker, is sent to help one of his firm's most important and mysterious clients. When...

  • Codex: Space Marines

    The Space Marines are numbered amongst the most elite warriors in the Imperium. Created by the Emperor himself from the genetic material of the demigod Primarchs, they are the ultimate soldiers for a cruel and terrible age.

  • Codex
    By Lev Grossman


  • Codex
    By Lev Grossman


  • Codex: Rudy Ricciotti
    By Paul Ardenne

    ... to the realm of dreams than to the concrete world of civil engineering ( Ricciotti likens it to the " aesthetics of fragility of an egg shell " , an effect heightened by the lighting scheme confided to the artist Yann Kersalé ) .

  • Codex
    By Adrian Dawson

    When Jack Bernstein's prodigal daughter Lara is killed as a result of the bombing of Flight 320, the ghess grandmaster is told that it was simply a terrorist act and that none of the passengers had been targeted.

  • Codex: una aproximación al grafiti de la Ciudad de México
    By Sergio Raúl Arroyo, Daniel Arroyo

    Desde principios de la década de 1980, los graffiti surgieron en la Ciudad de México, desde los Estados Unidos y pasando por Tijuana y Guadalajara, como una de las manifestaciones...

  • Codex: Tyranids

    Their shadow is the funeral shroud of civilisations. Their hunger is the death of worlds. They know not hate, fear or compassion, only the desire to hunt and to devour. They are the swarm. They are the tendril and the talon.

  • Codex: le guide du Chasseur d'ombres
    By Cassandra Clare, Joshua Lewis

    Attention, inédit en France ! Découvrez de larges extraits du Codex, le guide du Chasseur d'Ombres. Depuis le XIIIe siècle, le Codex est le seul et unique manuel du Chasseur d'Ombres.

  • Codex
    By Lev Grossman


  • Codex
    By Lev Grossman

    When asked to unpack and organise a personal library of rare books, Edward's indignation turns to intrigue as he realises that among the volumes there may be hidden a unique medieval codex, a treasure kept sealed away for many years and for ...