College Accounting: Chapters 1-15, with working papers
College Accounting: Chapters 1-15
College Accounting: Chapters 1-9
Personalize Learning with MyAccountingLab MyAccountingLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results.
College Accounting: Ready Notes - Chapters 1-15
The twelfth edition of COLLEGE ACCOUNTING: A CAREER APPROACH maintains its dedicated emphasis on the significance of the College Accounting course as true groundwork for students’ future classesand jobs, with a greater focus on teaching ...
Appropriate for one- or two-term courses in College Accounting, Applied Accounting, or Bookkeeping.
The text offers clear and comprehensive coverage of the basic accounting concepts while providing students with plenty of examples and applications in text and within the MyAccountingLab environment.
College Accounting
This chapter-by-chapter learning aid systematically and effectively helps students study college accounting and get the maximum benefit from their study time.
This chapter-by-chapter learning aid systematically and effectively helps students study college accounting and get the maximum benefit from their study time.
With quality content consistent with the text, the study guide contains chapter outlines linked to the learning objectives and assignments in the text as well as review questions, exercises, and problems.
College Accounting
College Accounting
College Accounting: Chapters 1-29
The GLS allows students to solve selected problems from the text and is available on the new HMAccounting Student CD-ROM.
This edition introduces accounting concepts using a proven step-by-step approach and inviting narrative style that focuses on the practical skills you'll need as you transition to tomorrow's workplace.
The text offers clear and comprehensive coverage of the basic accounting concepts while providing students with plenty of examples and applications in text and within the MyAccountingLab environment.
College Accounting: A Practical Approach