College Geometry is an approachable text, covering both Euclidean and Non-Euclidean geometry. This text is directed at the one semester course at the college level, for both pure mathematics majors and prospective teachers.
Through clear explanations and numerous examples and problems, this text shows step-by-step how fundamental geometric ideas are connected to advanced geometry.
College Geometry is an approachable text, covering both Euclidean and Non-Euclidean geometry. This text is directed at the one semester course at the college level, for both pure mathematics majors and prospective teachers.
The standard university-level text for decades, this volume offers exercises in construction problems, harmonic division, circle and triangle geometry, and other areas. 1952 edition, revised and enlarged by the author.
College Geometry is divided into two parts.
Translated into many languages, this book was in continuous use as the standard university-level text for a quarter-century, until it was revised and enlarged by the author in 1952.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Designed for mathematics majors and other students who intend to teach mathematics at the secondary school level, College Geometry: A Unified Development unifies the three classical geometries within an axiomatic framework.
The book's truly discovery-based approach guides readers to learn geometry through explorations of topics ranging from triangles and circles to transformational, taxicab, and hyperbolic geometries.
Translated into many languages, this book was in continuous use as the standard university-level text for a quarter-century, until it was revised and enlarged by the author in 1952.
College Geometry
College Geometry
College Geometry
College Geometry: A Problem Solving Approach with Applications, Books a la Carte Edition
This popular book has four main goals: 1. to help students become better problem solvers, especially in solving common application problems involving geometry; 2. to help students learn many properties of geometric figures, to verify them ...