College Success
College Success is intended for use in Freshmen Orientation, Study Skills or Student Success courses.
For most, success means that their children graduate from college with a good job or are accepted to Graduate School. This book is for parents who want to help their children achieve the success they desire in college and beyond.
About two out of three high-school graduates currently enroll at one of America's 4,000 colleges or universities within a year of graduation. But even though college enrollment has increased over...
Then this is a "must-have" for you. This is the 2nd edition of the book that has helped many students find instant SUCCESS in all 4 years of college, by the author of the highly successful (& international hit) "Algebra in Words" series.
A comprehensive, student-centered reading and study guide instructors and students can use in a college success course.
Developed with the support of hundreds of faculty and coordinators, the book addresses the evolving challenges and opportunities of today's diverse students.
For most, success means that their children graduate from college with a good job or are accepted to Graduate School. This book is for parents who want to help their children achieve the success they desire in college and beyond.
Developed with the support of hundreds of faculty and coordinators, the book addresses the evolving challenges and opportunities of today's diverse students.
Developed with the support of hundreds of faculty and coordinators, the book addresses the evolving challenges and opportunities of today's diverse students.
A comprehensive, student-centered reading and study guide instructors and students can use in a college success course.
A comprehensive, student-centered reading and study guide instructors and students can use in a college success course.
College is one of the most exciting and growth-filled times in your life.