iron, to strijken irritating lastig island eiland (n) it het Italy Italië its zijn itself zich; zelf J jacket colbert (n) January januari (c) jeans spijkerbroek (c) journey reis (c) July juli (c) jumper trui (c) June juni (c) junk ...
... zelf land, to belanden landing overloop (c) language taal (c) native moedertaal (c) language large groot last vorig, verleden, afgelopen J last, to duren jacket colbert (n) January januari (c) jeans spijkerbroek (c) journey reis (c) ...
Colloquial Dutch
All audio tracks referenced within the text are free to stream or download from Recorded by native speakers, the audio complements the book and will help enhance learners' listening and speaking skills.
All audio tracks referenced within the text are free to stream or download from Recorded by native speakers, the audio complements the book and will help enhance learners’ listening and speaking skills.
About this book Where is Dutch spoken and who is it spoken by ? ... The everyday official term is Nederland , but colloquially many people living in the west of the country refer to it as Holland ( see page 24 ) .
Related titles from Routledge Colloquial Dutch 2 The Next Step in Language Learning Bruce Donaldson and Gerda Bodegom Colloquial Dutch 2 is designed to help those involved in selfstudy; structured to give you the opportunity to listen ...
... platteland. 4 Waar zijn jullie dit jaar met vakantie geweest? 5 Je kunt het aan haar stem horen. 6 Ze hebben na de lezing vragen gesteld. Unit. 12. Exercise. 1. 1 Nadat hij televisie gekeken had, ging hij ... de keukendeur; 2 het wijnglas; 3 ...