Describes in simple terms the meteors, comets, and asteroids that are part of our solar system and discusses the various theories concerning their origin and their effect on life on Earth.
What are comets and asteroids like, and could we ever visit one? Taking the form of an imaginary trip, this book explores the science and history of these objects, looking at recent studies and possibilities for the future.
What are comets and where do they come from? Why do we need to study asteroids? What are meteor showers? Find the answers in this book! Some comets take thousands of years to move once around the Sun.
... Rocks in Space . Berkeley Heights , N.J .: Enslow , 2003 . Koppes , Steven N. Killer Rocks from Outer Space : Asteroids , Comets , and Meteors . Minneapolis : Lerner , 2004 . + Intermediate Earth and Space Science Heinemann ? InfoSearch THE ...
Describes what it would be like to visit space and examine comets, asteroids, and meteors.