And I want to thank many other people, too numerous to mention, but including my dear wife, Roberta, and my friend and collaborator, Arnold Krupat; also Joseph Bruchac, William Cowan, William Fenton, Ives Goddard, Victor Golla, ...
Here is the first anthology of Native American literature to present accurate, vivid translations in their historical and cultural context. Drawing on 200 existing languages and tribes from across the...
For extended discussions of H.D.'s epics and their roots in psychoanalysis and hermetic tradition , see Susan Stanford Friedman , Psyche Reborn : The Emergence of H.D. ( Bloomington : Indiana University Press , 1981 ) .
Coming to Light
In the summer of 1957, Milton Avery, Adolph Gottlieb and Mark Rothko renewed a friendship that had begun in the late 1920s. All three were in Provincetown, on Cape Cod...
Innerlijk portret van een 15-jarige jongen die zich geen raad weet met zichzelf en dat op anderen afreageert.