Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson were performing during the halftime show when a “wardrobe malfunction” exposed for a fraction of a second the singer's ...
Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson were performing during the halftime show when a “wardrobe malfunction” exposed for a fraction of a second the singer's ...
Designed for students of communication that are new to law, this volume presents its readers with key principles and emphasizes the impact of timely, landmark cases on today's media world, providing an applied learning experience.
Eriq Gardner, “How the Legal Fight over 'Y.M.C.A.' Could Change the Music Industry (Analysis),” Hollywood Reporter, August 17, 2011. It is a complicated rule. On the one hand, rights may be terminated only within a five-year window of ...
Unique in its approach and its visually attractive design, this text differentiates itself from other current texts on the market while presenting students with key principles and landmark cases that establish and define communication law ...
Communication Law
Designed for students of communication that are new to law, this volume presents key principles and emphasizes the impact of timely, landmark cases on today's media world, providing an applied learning experience.
Designed for students of communication that are new to law, this volume presents its readers with key principles and emphasizes the impact of timely, landmark cases on today's media world, providing an applied learning experience.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Do courts adequately balance the rights of a free press? Under what conditions may the government refuse to release information to the news media? How can society protect itself from...
Communication Law serves as a core textbook for undergraduate courses in communication and mass media law.
Designed as an introductory textbook for communication-law courses in journalism, communication, and political science departments, Communication Law addresses some of the most pressing First Amendment questions and issues that affect...
Communication Law
Communication Law serves as a core textbook for undergraduate courses in communication and mass media law.