7.8 Cris E. Hill , " All Digital Fractional - N Synthesizer for High Resolution Phase Locked Loops , ” Applied Microwave & Wireless , November / December 1997 and January / February 1998 . 7.9 Bar - Giora Goldberg , “ Analog and Digital ...
Ulrich L. Rohde, Jerry C. Whitaker, Andrew Bateman. tively. This means that many more signals can produce ... 4.1 H. Jasik, R. C. Johnson, and H. B. Crawford (eds.), Antenna Engineering Handbook, 2d ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y., ...
State-of-the-art communications receiver technologies and design strategies This thoroughly updated guide offers comprehensive explanations of the science behind today’s radio receivers along with practical guidance on designing, ...
For professional-level information, this classic work has long been considered the definitive guide to both theory and design of all types of communications receivers including shortwave, military, broadcast, and direction-finding.Now...
For professional-level information, this classic work has long been considered the definitive guide to both theory and design of all types of communications receivers including shortwave, military, broadcast, and direction-finding.
Communications receivers: the vacuum tube era : 50 glorious years, 1932-1981
Communications Receivers: Principles and Design