... 360 Magaloni, Beatriz, 124 Mahler, Vincent A., 224n Mahoney, James, 96, 101, 103, 113, 118n, 178, 181, 213, 257 Maier, Charles S., 195 Mair, Peter, 315, 318 Mandeville, Bernard, 117 Manicas, Peter T., 76n Manion, Melanie, 131 Mann, ...
Pearson Passport gives students access to a wealth of resources chosen by their own professor for their course.
Following the Tory defeat , the Liberals under prime ministers Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau were increasingly isolated in Western Canada . By the late Trudeau period , the Liberals were governing with the support of Ontario and ...
Debuting in its first edition and driven by a question-based approach, Comparative Politics shows readers how to do real comparative analysis while introducing them to political institutions, identities, and interests.
Collier, D. (1995) 'Translating Quantitative Methods for Qualitative Researchers: The Case of Selection Bias', American Political Science Review 89, 461–6. Collier, R.B. (1993) 'Combining Alternative Perspectives: Internal Trajectories ...
Max Weber, on the other hand, contended that economic development was not all that drove political development. Indeed, cultural attributes of countries play an important role in explaining political life. Thus, for instance, he argued ...
Horowitz , Morton , 57 Horowitz , Donald L. , 60 , 61 , 71 Huckfeldt , Robert , 285 , 287 Hull , David , 294 Hunt ... 210 Gourevitch , Peter A. , 177 , 178 , 186 , 197 Graber , Doris , 124 Gramsci , Antonio , 208 , 214 Granovetter ...
( New York : George Braziller , 1959 ) , 41 , 57 . 8. See the Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union , issued in 1961 . 9. David Stark and Laszlo Bruszt , Postsocialist Pathways ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Press ...
Goldberg, S. (1993) Why Men Rule. Chicago: Open Court. Goldstone, J.A. (1991) Revolution ... Granovetter, M.S. (1985) 'Economic action and social structure: the problem of embeddedness', American Journal of Sociology, 91 (3): 481–510.
... 362 Debré, Michel, 123–124 resignation, 125, 126 Debs, Eugene Victor, 56 de Dijon, Cassis, 188 de Gaulle, Charles, 35, 101, ... H. Hamilton, Alexander, 55 Hammett, Chris, 131 Hammond, Philip, 95–96 Harden, Blaine, 393 Havel, Vaclav, ...
democracy ; the Chinese repression of the alists like Huntington is the maintenance of student uprising in the summer of 1989 may order and stability in the face of the presbe considered a “ response " to the demands sures for social ...
... Richard, 75 Niemöller, Martin, 126 Nixon, Richard, 61, 229 Nossiter, Adam, 241 Nussbaum, Martha C., 301 Nyerere, ... 19, 247 Rouhani, Hassan, 308,332 profile, 332 Rubio, Pascual Ortiz, 383 Rutskoi, Alexander, 193 S Sachs, Goldman, ...
Comparative Politics: Diverse States in an Interdependent World
This campaign feeding frenzy of money, groups, and access is a long way from the concerns that James Madison expressed in his famous Federalist 10 essay written to support ratification of the Constitution. To Madison the greatest fear ...
STARK : Coded and calculated by Rodney Stark . TWF : The World Factbook , published annually by the Central Intelligence Agency . TWW : The World's Women , published by the United Nations , 1995 . WCE : World Christian Encyclopedia ...
Originally published by Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company in 1973, this study constitutes a theoretical introduction to the field of comparative politics.
Starting from the principal-agent perspective, this book offers a new analysis of government.
Addresses the contextual conditions which promote or hinder democratic development Reveals that democracy may not be the best institutional arrangement given a country's unique set of historical, economic, social, cultural and international ...
Balancing theory with application and featuring an engaging, student-friendly writing style, the TENTH EDITION of COMPARATIVE POLITICS uses a unique theme--Domestic Responses to Global Challenges--to introduce key concepts and examine the ...
"Comparative Politics" provides a comprehensive introduction to political systems around the world. It covers methods and theories; the nation-state; institutions; actors and processes; policies; and recent changes.