Twelve in-depth country studies explore how the concepts of interests, identities and institutions shape the politics of nations and regions.
Now in a completely updated second edition, this textbook has become a favorite for the introductory undergraduate course in comparative politics.
This book tackles the issues involved in and explores the strategies to deal with many of the problems of establishing equivalence when conducting comparative research in politics.
This text was created in response to demands for a brief version of the leading comparative politics text, Almond and Powell's Comparative Politics Today. The material focuses on the world-wide...
Comparative Politics: Continuity and Breakdown in the Contemporary World is an exciting new core text for introduction to comparative politics courses, focusing on the dynamics of politics: modernization, revolution, coups and ...
This book examines the issues involved in the attempts to compare political systems, and discusses how the methods and results of comparative politics can be improved.
The Logic of Appropriateness. ... 'Racing to the Bottom or Climbing to the Top? ... 'Hologeistic Theory Testing', pp.121–48 in Comparative Studies by Harold E. Driver and Essays in His Honor, edited by Joseph G. Jorgensen.
Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges : Selected Chapters
Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges
Comparative Politics: Domestic Response to Global Challenge
This text is appropriate for comparative politics, world politics, and global politics courses taught at the university level.
Easton, D. (1953) The Political System: An Inquiry into the State of Political Science (New York: Alfred A. Knopf ). ... Ebbinghaus, B. (2006) Reforming Early Retirement in Europe, Japan and the USA (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Comparative Politics: Critical Concepts in Political Science
The book concludes with a stimulating discussion of whether the great systems debates of the past (socialism vs. capitalism, democracy vs. authoritarianism) are now over and points to some of the next important study and research frontiers.
Integrating theories, methods, and country cases with an emphasis on application and analysis.Combining a thematic organization with a variety of country-specific case studies, this is an engaging and accessible introduction to the basics ...
The future of Asian countries depends not only on continuing economic growth but , more importantly , on a strong commitment both to human rights and democracy and to the revitalization of Asian traditional values and cultures .
This third edition introduces completely new chapters on the European Union, France, and Nigeria.
Comparative Politics: Rationality, Culture, and Structure is a completely revised second edition of the volume that guided thousands of scholars through the intellectual demands and gratifications of comparative political science.
And here there is an interesting paradox , for one of the advances that the Progressives thought they were making lay in the explosion of the old nationalist history , what John Spencer Bassett called the " patriotic " school of ...
Since 1949, several armed conflicts have erupted in the Taiwan Strait, and the United States has acted as Taiwan's guardian ... However, Taiwan still received a security guarantee from the United States through the Taiwan Relations Act, ...