How did this diversity of political orders come about? Will liberal capitalism spread farther around the globe in the 21st century? These are the questions that guide this new introductory text to comparative politics.
"Comparative Politics" provides a comprehensive introduction to political systems around the world. It covers methods and theories; the nation-state; institutions; actors and processes; policies; and recent changes.
Comparative Politics
College textbook.
Comparative Politics: New Directions in Theory and Method
This is the ninth edition of Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges; never has it changed more from one edition to the next over the course of eight revisions.
Comparative Politics: A Global Introduction shows new students of world politics how the methods and concepts of comparative politics can lead them to ask critical questions to better understand the complex world around them.
With this uniquely effective text, students will gain an understanding of important political trends and concepts, an exposure to politics in a number of countries, and a desire to dig more deeply into the fascinating field of comparative ...
Norris, P. (2004) Electoral Engineering: Voting Rules and Political Behaviour. ... Pagano, M. (2007) 'The dynamics of federalism in national and supranational political systems', in M. Pagano and R. Leonardi (eds), The Dynamics of ...
Additionally, this text looks systematically at issues of political economy, institutions, and social change.
Questions for further consideration 1 How do comparative politics and the rest of the social sciences compare with the natural sciences in terms of their subject matter? ... Kenneth R. Hoover, The Elements of Social Scientific Thinking ...
Comparative politics: a global introduction ; concepts - countries - critical thinking
The first part of the book, after setting the stage with a discussion of comparison as a method of inquiry, focuses on the core institutions that affect politics within nations, as well as on political behavior and civil society.
Comparative Politics: An Introduction to the Politics of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the Soviet Union
Starting from the principal-agent perspective, this book offers a new analysis of government.
The book concludes with a stimulating discussion of whether the great systems debates of the past (socialism vs. capitalism, democracy vs. authoritarianism) are now over and points to some of the next important study and research frontiers.
This book will be an essential primer for students on first-year courses in comparative government and politics as well as introductory courses in political science concepts and methods.
This is a new introductory textbook on comparative politics and government, providing students with a guide to the literature and a new approach to the subject.
This exploration of comparative world politics focuses on a wide range of nations--Western and Eastern, developed and developing. The first half of the book looks at various political institutions as...
This book provides a distinctive new introduction to the study of comparative politics at undergraduate level.