( Stephen P. Robbins , David A. DeCenzo , Robin Stuart - Kotze and Eileen B. Stewart ) 2 . " Compensation Systems are the financial reward structures organizations use to compensate individuals for the work they perform for the ...
Exercise Book Richard I. Henderson, Sandra Vasa-Sideris, Barbara Bernal Thomas. values are understood by all employees. It is equally important that the various systems that integrate individual effort with organizational requirements ...
This book outlines a new way of looking at rewards-a holistic approach that uses measurement to determine what an organization actually valuses (in terms of skills, knowledge, experience and behaviors).Further it analyzes the impact of the ...
Compensation Management: Rewarding Performance
Compensation Management
This book would be helpful to students of human resource management, business economics, public administration, social work and other allied fields.
Compensation Management: Rewarding Performance
Compensation is the total cash and non-cash payment that is exchanged between employee and organization for the work done by the employee for the organization. Compensation is more than an employee’s regular paid wages.
Compensation Management
Management development monograph on personnel management and wage determination in the USA - discusses job evaluation, job description and performance recording, wage structure, wage incentives, fringe benefits, performance appraisal, motivation,...
Compensation Management
Compensation Management
Compensation Management
Compensation Management: Rewarding Performance : Performance Workbook