American sociologist Robert Putnam (2000), whose classic study Bowling Alone captured the decline of community in the United States, listed the ways in which US citizens could become politically involved: contacting local and national ...
The book explores the complexity of the links between violent conflict (usually civil wars) and development, under-development and uneven development.
Mearsheimer, J.J.and Walt, S.(2007)The Israel Lobby andUS Foreign Policy. New York: Farrar,Straus &Giroux. ... Mitchell, C. and Webb, K. (eds) (1988) New Approaches to International Mediation. New York: Greenwood. Miyoshi Jager,S. and ...
Aid in historical perspective In one of its first formulations as a result of the Marshall Plan (the full title of which was the aEuropean Recovery Program«, initiated by the US Foreign Assistance Act of 1948), Marshall aaid« was open ...
E. The UK's Role in Promoting Effective International Responses to Conflict Recommendations 24. ... Government now needs to start implementing these policies and promote improved coordination between regional and international partners.
... conflict from inter-state to intra-state, with an emphasis on resurgent nationalism, ethnic conflict, civil wars, ... intra-state wars and the emergence of the 'liberal peace thesis' as a guide to international responses informing ...
This paper was prepared as a background document for a workshop on Development in Conflict, held in Birmingham, UK, convened by ACORD, Birmingham University's School of Public Policy, and Responding...
This book explores the complexity of the links between violent conflict (usually civil wars) and development, under-development and uneven development.
By taking a combined approach of theory, policy and practice this vital new book explores and comprehensively explains the impact of conflict on development and vice-versa through the series of concise thematic chapters.