New York: Pearson Longman, 2013. Jacobson, Gary C., and Samuel Kernell. Strategy and Choice in Congressional Elections. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1981. Lawless, Jennifer L. Becoming a Candidate: Political Ambition and the ...
A watershed moment in the development of the House of Representatives, the adoption of Reed's Rules in 1890, offers one of the clearest examples of partisan influence on institutional procedure. Prior to 1890, the minority party in the ...
accessible and transparent” to the public.64 For example, immediately after a House Transportation hearing on transportation legislation with Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx as the key witness, the committee chair, Bill Shuster, ...
Roger H. Davidson, Walter J. Oleszek, Frances E. Lee, Eric Schickler ... December 22, 2016, online version; and Dan Goldberg, “Schumer Calls Republican Health Care Plans A 'War on Seniors,'” Politico Pro Budget & Appropriations Brief, ...
Marian Currinder, Money in the House: Campaign Funds and Congressional Party Politics (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2009); Eric S. Heberlig, “Congressional Parties, Fundraising, and Committee Ambition,” Political Research Quarterly 56 ...
Reexamining Mayhew's data from 1947 through 2012, R. Douglas Arnold concludes that unified governments enacted 23 percent more bills that contemporary observers deemed important than did divided governments. But divided government by no ...
Congress and Its Members offers comprehensive coverage of the U.S. Congress and the legislative process by examining the tension between Congress as a lawmaking institution and as a collection of politicians constantly seeking re-election.
In the fifteenth edition, authors Roger H. Davidson, Walter J. Oleszek, Frances E. Lee, and Eric Schickler offer comprehensive coverage of the U.S. Congress and the legislative process by examining the tension between Congress as a ...
Roger H. Davidson, Walter J. Oleszek, Frances E. Lee, Eric Schickler, James M. Curry. scholars and practitioners. Although wrapped around our core theme, the book's chapters are long on analysis. We make no apologies for this.
The Sixteenth Edition of this best-selling text considers the 2016 elections and discusses the agenda of the new Congress, White House–Capitol Hill relations, party and committee leadership changes, judicial appointments, and partisan ...
This book examines both the history and the functions of Congress as well as its members.
Congress and Its Members
Congress and Its Members
The book is lively and informative, and it includes an abundant assortment of tables, figures, photos, and colorful vignettes.
"As authors of the nineteenth edition of a book that first appeared in 1981, we are perforce believers in the maxim that in politics six months is a long time and four years practically a lifetime.
This guide is designed to help readers make sense of the complex legislative branch of the United States government. This edition examines the growing partisanship on the Hill, Congress' shifting...