In most areas where it occurs , tropical seasonal forest is dominated by deciduous trees , as in the cool temperate forest , but these trees shed leaves in the dry season rather than in the winter . This strategy minimises water loss ...
... studies that simply continue to measure it, but those that explore and test hypotheses about processes that shape (continued) on Ciofi, C., M.A. Beaumont, I.R. Swingland, and M.W. Bruford. ... Bryant, D., D. Nielsen, and L. Tangley.
Aimed primarily at undergraduates studying courses in conservation and conservation biology, this book will also be useful to practicing conservationists and natural resource managers.
The main goal of this book is to encourage and formalize the infusion of evolutionary thinking into mainstream conservation biology.
Conservation biology is fast emerging as a major new discipline, which incorporates biological principles in the design of effective strategies for the sustainable management of populations, species and entire ecosystems.
Although it is increasingly difficult and discouraged in conservation today to implement Action 4 by capturing more wild individuals to augment captive populations, “immigrants” to a particular captive population need not come from wild ...
Conservation Biology: The Science of Scarcity and Diversity
Conservation Biology: A Primer for South Asia
This new text combines theory and applied and basic research to explain the connections between conservation biology and ecology, climate change biology, the protection of endangered species, protected area management, environmental ...
One of the fastest growing scientific disciplines in recent history is conservation biology. A response of the scientific community to the massive environmental changes taking place on Earth, its goal...
Turkey shares a fish fauna that is characteristic of Europe and Asia, and is an example of where information on the conservation status of the fish fauna is incomplete. Balik (1995) lists 109 taxa (88 species and 21 subspecies) as ...
The late Navjot Sodhi conceived this book as a way of bringing to the forefront of our conservation planning for the tropics the views of people who were actually working and living there.
The idea that nature (species or communities) is worth preserv ing rests on several fundamental arguments, particularly the argu ment of nostalgia and the argument of human benefit and need. Nostalgia, of course, is a powerful emotion.
This first edition takes a contemporary, interdisciplinary approach to conservation biology and features vivid illustrations, an engaging writing style, and succinct coverage of the key principles governing conservation. Conservation Biology...
This edited volume will provide a treatment of evolutionary conservation biology that introduces and explains major concepts and also unifies recent theoretical and empirical advances.
Conservation biology integrates both social and science disciplines to achieve the management and conservation of biological diversity, at all levels of biological organization.This interdisciplinary subject spans the areas of economics,...
Conservation Biology: An Evolutionary-ecological Perspective